Welcome to the Webpage of Chris Gisseler, K9CG!

ex: KB9KTC

      I am an avid CW operator, and seldomly operate any SSB. In fact, the only band I sometimes operate SSB is on 10 meters. I enjoy QRP, and experimenting with antennas and other home brewed stuff. Ham Radio has a long history in my family. My great grandpa, Herman Gisseler, was first licensed as a ham sometime in the early 1910s. His first call was 9JU, which later was changed to W9DA. A few years after his death, my dad, WB9LAV, and uncle, W9YO (ex WB9LAU), entered the hobby in 1972. I first got interested in the hobby when I was about 10 years old because in order to get my ticket I had to learn the "use-less" code, so I never had the motivation. In the spring of 1995, my interests were once again sparked, and within a period of about 2 months I had the code pretty much under control. In June of 1995 I received my first license as a Tech Plus. The next month I tried for my General, but I missed the code, so in August I went to take the Advanced theory and the 13 WPM code, and I passed them both. Then the competition was on between me and my dad to beat the other to Extra. The next month we both passed our Extra theory and bombed the code, so in October of 1995 we both got our Extras on the same day. We, my dad, uncle and I, are all active in most major CW contests using the W9DA club call.
      Both my dad and I operate one of the two packet to internet gateways. Stop by our web page at http://www.ilcar.net for more information. I would like to thank my dad, because without his influence, I would have missed out on the best hobby ever!
      I am currently very active on CW on 10, 15, 20 and 40 meters. I also maintain the packet to internet gateway for the Chicagoland Area with the help of my dad, WB9LAV. Please feel free to take a look around and email me if you have any questions or comments!

Current info:
QTH: 670 Canterbury Ln, Pingree Grove IL 60140
Birthday: 1/17/1982
Current Country Count: 208
Clubs: ARRL, CAPRA, FISTS (6290), 10-10 (68162)
Awards: WAS CW
Email: chris.gisseler@gmail.com

Here are a few pictures:

This picture is from my shack. Here is of my 1st HF rig, a Kenwood TS-520. The computer off to the left is k9cg.ampr.org. It runs linux and allows me to access the dxcluster on w9da.ampr.org. Off to the left is my personal IBM Thinkpad A31 which allows me to work on the go.

Here is a pair of Drake twins, T-4XC, and R-4C.

This is another picture from the shack. Here you can see my main HF rig, and Kenwood TS-570S. Also you can see my little logging machine and my VHF/UHF radio, an Alinco DR-610. On top of the TS-570 is my QRP rig, a NORCAL Sierra that runs about 2-3W 40-15M.

This picture is from the radio shack. It is a picture of w9da.ampr.org. This machine runs linux and JNOS. It connects the inhouse network to the wide area network serving the chicagoland area. The computer has 3 radios attached to it. A 2m radio on 144.97 is a 1200 baud userport for w9da. A 220 radio provides a link between here to Elgin and Lisle @ 9600 bps. The last radio is another 2m radio on 144.39 for aprs that functions as an IGATE.

This picture is of w9da-1.ampr.org which is located in my bedroom. This is the computer that has a dedicated connection to the internet. It is incharge of routing all data from the WAN to the inet and vise a versa. This machine also runs APRSD which acts as an aprs internet gateway. There is also a converse server that runs on w9da-1.

This is a picture of my current qsl card.

Here's a picture of my k9cg mobile.

Last Updated 4/16/2004 by Chris Gisseler
Note: This page was written by HAND in the vi text editor